Mrs. Garee and Mrs. Butcher's Cougar News from Room 204

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving Family Turkey Project

Your child should have brought home a Family Turkey Project. The students have until next Friday to complete this assignment. It is due November 18th. The students can complete this assignment with help from the whole family. It is meant to be fun!

Please decorate your turkey however you like. Try to use materials other than just crayons. Paint, leaves, feathers, beads, glitter, ribbon, noodles, pipe cleaners are just a few ideas. Be creative. In the past I have received Cleveland Browns turkeys, Ohio State Turkeys, even Ballerina turkeys. Below is an example of a turkey that was painted and has a googly eye.

The students will receive extra credit participation and homework points for completing this assigment.

The turkeys will be displayed and the most creative turkey will win a prize!

Have fun!